Step 2: Client engagement – ANU web environment

Follow the steps below once your brand category is finalised and agreed by both parties.

The ANU 'website' is composed of hundreds of individual websites built and maintained by staff across the Colleges and Divisions. Every site under * should adhere to ANU brand guidelines in order to represent the University positioning. The following are the platforms that central supports if built internally.

If you would like to build a website in a platform not listed above, it must be approved by CISO and Privacy. Hosting arrangements must be made for the new platform after approval. Please note the new platforms backend (admin/editorial mode) should also be accessible AA 2.1 providing flexibility to staff with accessibility issues.

All * domains must be hosted internally for security.



  • Submit your website requirements by filling out Web triage form. Via service desk
  • A decision needs to be made on whether a website will be built internally (or) externally. The decision will be based on the due dates of the new projects and the current projects.

Internally built site

  1. Finalise the domain names agreed on step 1
  2. Develop High level wireframes, menu structure with ISFSD and stakeholder
  3. Develop page layouts and UX with ISFSD and stakeholders
  4. Website to be built by ITS and ISFSD
  5. Follow content writing guidelines and prepare the content while the website is getting built
  6. Import the content into the layouts

Externally built site

  1. Finalise the domain names agreed on step 1
  2. Develop High level wireframes, menu structure with ISFSD and stakeholder
  3. Engage agency from the preferred supplier list and provide web publishing guide along with the templates
  4. Stakeholder should organise meetings between ISFSD, and the agency before the start of the project
  5. Stakeholder should organise development environment access with ITS via Service Desk
  6. Stakeholder to follow content writing guidelines and prepare the content while the website is getting built
  7. Stakeholder should organise review meetings between the agency, and ISFSD